Coconut Oil For Piles: Benefits And The Best Ways To Use



Piles are swollen veins in the rectum and lower rectum. They're quite common and may cause symptoms like itching, bleeding, and disquiet.

Treatment for hemorrhoid usually includes swelling, discomfort, and swelling. Coconut oil can be used to treat all these signs. It has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, also it delivers a variety of health benefits. It can be applied topically or treated properly to treat hemorrhoid and their own symptoms, does coconut oil help.


Coconut oil includes numerous properties and health benefits which may help treat piles. It's strong antibacterial properties, which can reduce inflammation and swelling. The oil's powerful analgesic (or pain-relieving) properties might help to reduce discomfort resulting from the hemorrhoids, while its antibacterial properties enable the hemorrhoids to heal faster.

Coconut oil may also aid in alleviating constipation because of a laxative effect. Since constipation or straining during bowel movements is a typical cause of piles, this could help treat and stop them.

How to use coconut oil for hemorrhoids

When using coconut oil remedy for hemorrhoid, use the best high quality coconut oil that you are able to find. Organic, virgin coconut oil is minimal processed variety you can find, and thus can have the maximum health benefits, click for more info.

You're able to take coconut-oil internally by swallowing it regularly or employ it externally. Both application methods can effectively treat your own symptoms.

Here are some methods of using coconut oil to treat piles:

Incorporate coconut oil in your diet. You can cook with coconut oil. Some folks even disperse a teaspoon on toast along with peanut butter or add it for their popcorn rather than butter.

Mix melted coconut oil using witch hazel. Witch Ginger has been used as a home treatment for piles. With a cotton ball, use the mixture to outside hemorrhoids. Try that several times a day until your symptoms subside.

Create coconut oil suppositories. You may create suppositories of coconut oil by shaping coconut oil to little strands that the diameter of a pencil. Freeze them ready for use. Both of the coconut oil and also the cold temperature can help provide fast relief.

Mix melted coconut garlic and oil. Turmeric contains anti inflammatory properties, making the garlic and coconut mix a highly effective combination.

Add about 1/4 to 1/2 a cup of coconut oil to your tub. The hot drinking water and coconut oil will both be soothing and may help shrink hemorrhoids and give relief from symptoms. As an additional plus, the coconut oil is likely to make the remainder of one's own skin silky-soft, too.

Side effects and risks:

Coconut oil might lead to upset of the digestive system if your own body isn't utilised for it. It can cause diarrhea, stomach cramps, or stomach upset. Because with this, start with just a teaspoon of coconut oil every day and work your way up. Don't swallow over 3 tbsp per day.

In case your piles have been brought on by diarrhea, don't use coconut oil, as it could aggravate the nausea and make the hemorrhoids and also their symptoms worse. It's safe to use coconut oil for hemorrhoids.

While coconut oil appears to become a safe alternative to additional saturated fats and may lower"bad" cholesterol levels, further research is needed to evaluate how exactly heart-healthy it is. It's high levels of saturated fat may theoretically increase risk of cardiovascular problems, despite claims that it can lower it.


Thanks to coconut oil many healing properties, it is sometimes a suitable home treatment to help you get gone piles and their embarrassing symptoms. However, if coconut oil or alternative over-the-counter treatments have not helped your symptoms after 2 months, then make an appointment to see your physician to discuss other treatment choices.